Author Guidelines

Dear Doctor, Updent (A Journal of Advanced Dentistry) is indexed with Index Copernicus, Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, Cosmos, and Google Scholar. If you wish to submit an article, please review the following author guidelines. Updent solicits articles from all dental specialties. Those who wish to contribute to the journal should send their work to the editorial office. We reserve the right to reject articles without providing any reason. The selection of articles is at the sole discretion of the editorial board, and unselected articles will not be returned. Please include a brief bio-data and a passport-sized photograph with your article. Ideally, the article should be approximately 1400 words or more. We prefer submissions in Word format. Please also send high-resolution images (minimum 300 DPI) in JPEG format. The article should contain the following elements: • Title Page (title, author's name, designation, department name, mobile/WhatsApp number, email ID) • Abstract & Keywords • Text (introduction, case report/case study, details, discussion, conclusion, references) • Figure Legends and Tables in separate folders • Copyright Letter Authors from India are requested to submit articles by uploading them through our website at Additionally, Indian authors should send their articles on a pen drive along with two printouts to the address provided below. The author's photograph and brief bio-data should accompany all submissions.